Alligator Removal
American alligators occur naturally in North Carolina, inhabiting lakes, rivers, creeks, marshes, swamps and ponds. Many are distributed with local populations along the coast. As you move from south to north along the coast, alligators become less frequent due to changes in climate. Alligators in North Carolina have a much slower growth rates, reproduce less often, and are more vulnerable to local population extinctions than those in more southern states.
While we recognize that North Carolina is home to many alligators, they are not always welcomed inhabitants of residents and/or local businesses. It’s important to note that wild alligators are typically wary of humans and, like other naturally-behaving wildlife, will seek to keep a safe distance from people. Thankfully, in North Carolina, people and alligators are typically able to peacefully coexist while sharing our coastal habitat. If you stumble upon an alligator in your pool, yard, etc. — please do not panic as they typically remain shy and secretive, and will move on when they are ready. If you need support with a problem alligator, please give us a call.
Be Alligator Aware
Here are a few tips and tricks as it relates to Alligators and safety:
Never intentionally feed an alligator, no matter its size.
Do not throw food or objects into the water where alligators may be found.
When fishing, dispose of fish scraps in the garage, not into the water.
Do not feed ducks, geese, other waterfowl or fish where alligators have been seen.
Keep pets on a leash where alligators could be present and don’t walk them next to the water’s edge.
Never leave children unattended near any body of water.
Don’t allow pets to swim, exercise or drink in or near waters where alligators could be present.
Be particularly cautious between dusk and dawn when alligators are most active.
Do not harass, provoke or touch any alligator.
Never approach an alligator or any other large wild animal.
Call 910-789-1212 today to discuss your options for problem alligator removal.
As specified in NCAC 10B .0224, alligator hunting is allowed by permit only in North Carolina. Otherwise harming or killing an alligator is strictly prohibited.
Only authorized individuals can remove problem alligators.